Pixels to Maps
Explore the Future of Farming with Drone Mapping
Precision Farming: Transforming Agriculture with Drones
Boosting Crop Yields through Advanced Mapping Techniques
Farmers Harnessing Drone Technology
1. Plan the Mission

This requires careful consideration of flight planning parameters in order to acquire and process a good dataset.
2. Fly the Mission

Conduct an initial drone flights over the farm to gather baseline data on crop health and/or weed distribution.
3. Capture Imagery

Capture high-resolution RGB natural-color or multispectral imagery for the generation of vegetation indices.
4. Download and Process

Download the imagery, run our advanced algorithms to process the data and generate outputs.
5. Visualise and Analyse

Perform complex vegetation analysis for vegetation indices or weed spotting (fallow or in crops) and statistical calculations.
6. Export and Share

Export create crop health maps, field reports, spot spraying, and prescription maps for Variable Rates